Whether you’re refinancing or buying your first or tenth house the finance requirements with lenders are ever changing – let our team take the lions share and manage your application from start to finish with professional ease. Our experienced team will look after your application with ease and professionalism allowing you to relax and rest assured that your loan has the highest change of approval with the best chance of approval with the best structure and interest rates.
With ever changing interest rates and life, it is essential that you assess your lender, structure and interest rates every 12 months. What suited best at the time that you setup your current loan, may not be most suitable now.
Our team will review your current situation: debts, property values, income and family arrangements to ensure the loan you currently have continues to be the best possible solution for you. Credit policy and Interest Rates are constantly changing - we invest significant time and effort to ensure our team stay abreast of the latest changes and policy information along with customer service interactions and interest rates - saving you time and money!
We are constantly monitoring over 30 lenders & not everyones situation is the same - What is good for the goose may not necessarily be good for the gander.
Talk to our experienced team if you would like to review your current situation and see where savings can be made for you
Purchasing a Property
Buying a new house can be stressful - dates meet and contract conditions to fulfill. Our team will take the stress out of the finance process and ensure that your finance is approved ahead of schedule and even arrange pre-approvals if desired so you can make an offer with the confidence of finance approval ahead of time and present a strong offer to the vendor.
We consider lender approval timeframes, credit policy and interest rates when assessing which lender would be suitable for your situation at the time of purchase along with assisting with lodgment of government grant paperwork (such as First Home Buyer Grant) regardless of state along with navigating any of the peculiarities for Mortgage Insurance waivers and requirements.
Buying one property before you sell your current? We can arrange bridging finance to help you cross the threshold of your new house whilst providing up to 12 months to sell your current property without having to afford the total debt across both properties during the process.
Not all lenders offer this solution and not all lenders are equal in pricing or policy - our team will provide you with knowledgeable & rapid solutions allowing you to breathe easy throughout the process and focus on packing, moving and decking out the new digs!